
Posts Tagged ‘application interface’

Our First Blog!!

May 21, 2012 1 comment

As our title would suggest, this is our first blog ever. To begin, OptiLaunch, is a start-up technology company with an emphasis on mobile applications in the Android Market. We have decided to start blogging because we realize that user insights are extremely vital in our line of work. Simply put, user-friendly applications get results. We want to know why people like the Android Market and therefore, Android phones. Personally, I love the concept of the widgets that are available for Android phones and not available for iPhones. Widgets give you a creative and unique resources to accomplish things more quickly while taking up less screen than actual application interface portals. I was recently reading Jason Hiner’s blog at and came across a post about why widgets were the thing he would miss the most if he only had an iPhone. Check out the blog for yourself below and let us know what you think! We are extremely excited to begin blogging with everyone and we will keep the content fresh on a daily basis. We strongly encourage that anyone please read and comment on our blog because we are extremely interested in what you have to say. Any help we could get from the blogging community about how to make our blog most effective would be greatly appreciated and extremely helpful. Look for us on other blogs as well because we intend to be a presence in our new-found hobby of blogging!!