
Posts Tagged ‘friends’

The Sunday Spin

June 10, 2012 Leave a comment

The Sunday Spin

In “The Shawshank Redemption,” one of my top three favorite movies of all time, Morgan Freeman states, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.” In the context of the movie, he was referring to the fact, that while he and his comrades were locked away, the world didn’t stop evolving or progressing: industrial advancements overwhelmed newly released convicts. Time stands still for nobody- that is a fact. Morgan Freeman’s (Red’s) insight does not only pertain to the characters in the movie, but rather everybody in any shape, form or creed. If we, as human beings are not adapting, progressing and striving, then we are “dying.”

Today is my birthday, so I feel entitled to talk about whatever I want (not like I don’t do that already). Anyway, today I look at my birthday as a day of self-reflection. In the past, my birthday was a day for me to get “as messed up as possible,” and have a fantastic excuse for myself and others. I look back at the past year of my life, and am astounded by how much has changed: especially my outlook. I’m not going to lie: it’s been a very rocky year. I’ve had the highest of highs (albeit artificial ones), and the lowest of lows-probably due to the artificial highs. I, my family, and my friends have been through a lot this year. And for that reason, I am so happy and grateful to be where I am today.

There are a few things that stick out in my mind as I look back on the past 365 days. I’ve learned that happiness is not something you arrive at, construct, or attain; happiness is available to each and every person on earth, right now! Close your eyes, let every worry, anxious thought and problem pass by- like a freight train blowing past your head. Take a few deep breaths and just listen to the sounds around you-listen intently. Right now I hear birds chirping, a wind chime clanging together, and the sound of leaves rustling. I am in the present moment. I’m not worried about what I’m going to do tonight, who may be calling my cell phone, or even if what I’m writing is a bunch of irrelevant bullshit that nobody will like. I am in the NOW, and when I am in the present moment I no longer fear, press or worry: for this reason, I try to stay grounded in the NOW as much as possible.

Another thing I really grasped this year, is the importance of love. Everybody needs love, and I am not exclusively talking about the sexual type of love (although I dig that too). I have a family that loves and supports me, and that love is mutual. I have a handful of friends that I can count on at any time, place, situation etc. Love is a reaffirmation of oneself in another: so choose wisely. Using this definition of love, there is one person that you must love ahead of everybody else: yourself. Self love is the most important thing in the world. If you don’t love yourself, how could you conceivably love another human being? I used to hate myself; I would let off the fasade of an arrogant, and confident young man. However, inside I was dying; I felt like a little boy trapped inside a man’s body. I was living a lie, living untrue to myself. Over the past year, I have come closer to finding Dan, and the closer I come the more I come to love him. The more I come to love myself, the more I am able to love and help others. If you have people in your life that are unsupportive, abusive, untrustworthy etc. GET RID OF THEM! Don’t let other people drag you down. Surround yourself with people that you know have your best interests in mind-that is the only way you can prosper and get closer to your true essence.

Finally, I have learned about the inner workings of my, and therefore, the human mind. I used to think that certain limitations were innately set upon me. I envisioned a net, or some type of boundary that would eventually stop me. On the outside I portrayed myself as “the man who could do anything.” But in my mind, I would always think to myself, “shit, you wouldn’t be able to do that,” or “you’ll never be able to accomplish that.” The human mind, body and spirit are incredibly intricate and fascinating mechanisms. I think that it’s in our nature for our minds to set limitations on what we believe we can do. The human will is “the faculty we use to make decisions and initiate actions.” However, I believe that most of us use our “will” completely wrong. Our will is supposed to propel us towards our next goal, not impede our progress. Of course rational thinking is important; you can’t just say, “hmm I want to be the next Brad Pitt and make that happen.” But, if you want to be an actor, then go after it. If that’s your dream, if you believe that to be your calling, don’t let anybody tell you differently (especially your own mind). The body will follow the mind-remember that. If you tell yourself that you are limited in some aspect or ability, then that belief will come to fruition. I beg of you to break down these barriers! Self-bondage is just that- you are “bound” by yourself; untangle yourself from negative thoughts, or notions of inferiority. If in your mind you believe that you can achieve something, or be something, then it is possible-the body and spirit will follow the mind. The second you tell yourself otherwise, it’s a wrap-a self-fulfilled prophecy of inevitable defeat/self sabotage will follow.

Love yourself, love others, stay in the moment, and erase any self doubt or limitations that you have set upon yourself. The possibilities are endless-don’t tell yourself you can’t do something or your aren’t smart enough, strong enough, good looking enough: that’s BULL SHIT. Go after it! Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of self-bondage and find your truth, your inner self: I promise you’ll be happy when you do. Like Morgan Freeman said, “Get busy livin or get busy dyin.” Today, I choose life. Along with life comes love, peace, happiness and freedom. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and love to hear feedback, comments and of course hate mail. Until next time.

D. Spinelli