
Posts Tagged ‘stern’

NBA is Fixed

NBA is Fixed

I don’t know about most people, but the NBA regular season could potentially be the most boring sport to view. There’s no defense, and star players are constantly calling for the ball so that they can increase their stats-even if it’s detrimental to the team’s performance. Carmelo Anthony will drop 38 points on 15 for 45 shooting (very commendable Carmelo). I might as well watch the AND 1 Mix Tape Tour (“SPYDAAAAAA!”). At least the viewer knows what he or she is getting into. The commentary is more exciting and the trick shots are pretty damn cool. In any event, I am writing to comment on the NBA as a whole and the controversy that has surrounded it for some time-especially during the current playoff season. On a side note, I was happy to see Michael Jordan’s Bobcats not receive the first overall pick in next years draft (side note: the New Orleans Hornets, who are owned by the NBA, had a 14% chance of getting the #1 pick, and they got it….fixed??). There’s something about Jordan’s aloof attitude that makes me cringe. If you don’t agree, watch his Hall of Fame induction speech – it’s pretty comical. I’m sure Jordan rushed off to the casino after last night’s disappointment to gamble away his feelings. Anyway, while watching this years playoffs, I can’t help but wonder if it’s rigged. Did anybody see the five technical fouls that were awarded to the Celtics in game 1 against the favored Heat. Ray Allen was given a technical for jumping in the air with his back turned to the referee. I’m not quite sure, but isn’t jumping a big part of basketball? Kevin Garnett was given a technical for flicking the ball back to the referee. I’m calling BS on those techs. However, the controversy extends so far beyond the ill-advised techs given in Game 1. Last night I was astounded by the incompetence that the referees displayed. With the came tied in overtime Rondo went up for a layup and was clearly slapped in the face by Dwayne Wade – no call!?!? That led directly to a fast break and a dunk by Haslem. Not only did the refs blow that call, but later in OT Wade drove to the basket and used his legs to create separation between himself and Kevin Garnett (basket and foul – count it!) Why is it that referees can look at Flagrant 2’s, but not Flagrant 1’s. The myriad of questionable calls makes me ponder the motives of the officiating crews – Tim Donaghy, remember that clown? But the dearth of good officials is an extension of the NBA hierarchy. Simply put, David Stern is either lackadaisical, or has ulterior motives. It’s no secret that advertising is where the big money comes from: not only for the networks, but for the NBA itself. So, the best match ups between the most hyped up teams, with the most loyal fans, equals more viewers, which in turn leads to more advertising revenue. Are these games a self-fulfilled prophesy:it makes complete sense. Why isn’t David Stern doing anything about these abysmal calls? Maybe I’m cynical or downright paranoid, but something is awry; I can feel it. Thoughts? Sentiments? Rebukes? I’m all ears.

-D. Spinelli