
Posts Tagged ‘words with friends’

Draw Something + Zynga: “Don’t Mix Like Two D**** and No B****, Find Yourself in Serious S***”

Although there may not have been any blood involved in the deal between Zynga and OMGPOP, there was surely a lot of money. Was it a prudent decision for Zynga to buy out a company with only one product? Even though Draw Something was a hit and had an enormous following, the game has turned out to be a total fad (I am tempted to break my Android whenever I see that pencil in the upper-left corner of my screen!!). Why did Zynga purchase the game for such an absurd amount of cash, and why didn’t they just copy the pictionary-esque game (like they usually do, i.e. ‘Tiny Tower’, which btw is much better than Dream Heights). It’s not like they lacked the resources to develop some kind of competitive product to Draw Something. Personally, I thought Draw Something was extremely cool (and definitely addicting), but then it just got downright annoying. In my mind it’s nothing more than a fad. This leads to the pivotal question of what apps, widgets etc. have staying power? Alternatively, which ones are fads that will simply fade away into cyber space. Was Zynga imprudent to purchase an a company that only had one application (for 200 million dollars)? Seems like a bad investment to me.

Please comment, thoughts/opinions always welcome. And remember to tune in for the ‘Rantarella Sunday Special’ at 8PM this Sunday. Happy Pressing!!


Weekly Friday Poll

What mobile application waste’s most of your time? Would love feedback and any comments! If you choose other, please let us know what it is. Happy polling!