
Posts Tagged ‘samsung s3’

Will Widgets Replace Websites??

Will Widgets Replace Websites??

During the .com bubble people were buying up websites like they were pieces of real estate: and like the sub-prime mortgage security market, it inevitably imploded. Nowadays, websites are still teeming with activity – many of which cannot even be priced, because they are invaluable. However, these popular web pages are also cluttered with banner adds, pop-ups, etc. Plus, they’re just plainly annoying: a user has to navigate from page to page and constantly move back and forth between different links, and wait for them to load. For these reasons, I believe that widgets will soon replace websites as we have come to know them today. Widgets are constantly open and do not force a user to move back and forth between different pages. They are much easier to use, less time consuming and more aesthetically pleasing. Take Twitter, for example; When you log on to Twitter from a browser, you are forced to navigate the website and back and forth between followers and people following you. A Twitter widget would make life so much easier for the end user. It would stay securely open on your home screen and would save time and make life easier. Websites will die off, and widgets will become increasingly more useful. Thoughts?

-D. Spinelli

Tama – ‘botchi’

May 29, 2012 2 comments

Tama - 'botchi'

“I liked this when I first got it. It was fun and reminded me of being a kid again back when we all had tamagotchis. But ever since I loaded the newest update it’s been screwed up. It gives me notifications constantly! Telling me it’s hungry when I just fed it, or claiming its sad when it’s at 100% happiness. At this point it’s really just becoming a constant annoyance!”

– This is a review of the virtual pet Tamagotchi by Sonettic. I have also read a myriad of other reviews just like this one. Having a pet or buddy on your phone seems cool, right? I tried it out on my Android, and downloaded its version of the Tamagotchi (which has gotten over one million Downloads). The little pet was pretty cool for about three days, then, just like the comment above, it became nothing more than a nuisance. The thing is constantly hungry or not happy, and what am I supposed to do? I have to make this thing happy? I have my hands full with three dogs of my own. They are real, tangible and actually in need of food and water. I deleted the damn thing is less than three days, and do not have any regrets. What is it about this little weasel that people find appealing. I think it’s cool to have something living on your phone, but I think it’s even cooler if he’s just doing his own thing (i.e. feeding itself, and taking care of itself). To be perfectly candid, I don’t care about the well being of a Tamagotchi. My attitude is more laissez-faire. A creature living on my phone is cool as hell, but I don’t want to have to take care of him. I got a lot more important shit to worry about during the day, than cater to some virtual pest. I vividly remember the Tamagotchi craze back in the 90’s- everyone had those egg shaped critters on a key chain and loved them (at least kids did). However, I remember getting fed up with it after a few weeks. I threw the thing in the garbage and the fad soon fell off-predictable. Do users like taking care of a virtual pet? To users become nostalgic when they hear the word Ferby? What makes these pets entice downloads? Do users like taking care of them? Why do you think the original Tamagotchi’s and Ferbies fell off? Love to hear feedback.

Weekly Friday Poll

What mobile application waste’s most of your time? Would love feedback and any comments! If you choose other, please let us know what it is. Happy polling!

Our Team and the ‘Rantarella Sunday Special’

Up until this point, we have been posting news and opinionated blogs on cutting-edge technology, tech startups, and entrepreneurship in general, but we haven’t yet had the chance to introduce our team. The team consists of Colin Sullivan, as well as Dan Spinelli and Tripp White. We will be updating this blog on a regular basis and would love any comments or tweets (@OptiLaunch or @Colin_Sullivan) re: OptiLaunch and the blog.

We would also like to introduce you to “Rantarella”, who at the moment will remain nameless (he may discuss some pretty controversial issues, and we don’t want you showing up at his doorstep). All we can tell you is that he will be posting once a week (if we get positive feedback), on Sunday, and the topic might be on anything from reviews on video games and restaurants, to opinionated pieces on the Holocaust (he’s Jewish…kinda). It is duly named: “The Rantarella Sunday Special”. Tune in!

-Colin Sullivan (CEO – OptiLaunch)

What percentage of PC online usage will mobile phones displace? Is it feasible that people will “cut the broadband cord” and live exclusively off of their mobile internet access?

I came across this article on the Huffington Post and it really made me think.  Mark Cuban, the overzealous owner of the Dallas Mavericks as well as Chairman of HDNet, talks about how Facebook was eaten up on the secondary market so that when the IPO was launched there was as surplus of shares.  Facebook over-relied on the secondary market and therefore the stock dropped precipitously after the IPO came out.  Cuban also goes into the argument that in this day in age mobile devices are replacing computers as the go-to platform for all your social networking needs, and its draconian consequence for Facebook-which relies heavily on the revenue from games and ads that are solely used on one’s browser.

Is it likely that people will dramatically shift towards mobile devices and drop their PC or Laptops? It would surely save some money.  Personally, I like the feeling of my laptop-the bigger screen, the flexibility of switching back and forth between multiple tabs, and just the overall experience (I also can’t do the type of work on a laptop as I can on a desktop PC).  I love my Android-don’t get me wrong.  However, I like typing on a big keyboard (maybe I just have fat fingers), and not squinting at the screen while walking with my head down and bumping into people. While mobile phones are clearly gaining momentum, I just can’t see myself dropping my broadband for the 4G network.  I think my smartphone is a nice addition to my desktop and laptop.  It’s nice to be able to see my email whenever I need to, or play games on my phone, but I will always be faithful to my laptop and the experience it gives me.  Read the article and let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to hear them.

Pivoting is crucial to any Enterprise

Pivoting is crucial to any Enterprise

I came across this article and found it very intriguing.  I completely agree with the concept of “Pivoting,” when it comes to any entrepreneurial activity.  Startups must be open to feedback, results, and learn from both.  Pivoting doesn’t mean that one must completely change a vision or concept, but rather adjust it to better meet the needs and demands of consumers. I’d love to hear about any experiences with Pivoting or examples that you have come across.