
Posts Tagged ‘.com’

Will Widgets Replace Websites??

Will Widgets Replace Websites??

During the .com bubble people were buying up websites like they were pieces of real estate: and like the sub-prime mortgage security market, it inevitably imploded. Nowadays, websites are still teeming with activity – many of which cannot even be priced, because they are invaluable. However, these popular web pages are also cluttered with banner adds, pop-ups, etc. Plus, they’re just plainly annoying: a user has to navigate from page to page and constantly move back and forth between different links, and wait for them to load. For these reasons, I believe that widgets will soon replace websites as we have come to know them today. Widgets are constantly open and do not force a user to move back and forth between different pages. They are much easier to use, less time consuming and more aesthetically pleasing. Take Twitter, for example; When you log on to Twitter from a browser, you are forced to navigate the website and back and forth between followers and people following you. A Twitter widget would make life so much easier for the end user. It would stay securely open on your home screen and would save time and make life easier. Websites will die off, and widgets will become increasingly more useful. Thoughts?

-D. Spinelli